Friday, April 19, 2013

New-Parent Survival Kit

There are a lot of things that you're going to want to have in the car as a new parent. You're not going to remember everything for yourself, especially, when you're worrying about getting the baby out the door. This could also make a great baby shower gift!

  1. Baby Lotion: This will make soft skin for baby and parent.
  2. Diapers/Travel Baby Wipes/Desitin:  For on the go diaper changes.
  3. Hand Sanitizer: For after those diaper changes, pumping gas, or a quick, temporary wash after the park.
  4. Onesies/Back Up Outfit: As a new parent, you're going to quickly learn that accidents happen. Spilled milk or juice, vomit, and poop.
  5. Burping Cloths: Protect your clothes because that back up outfit isn't for you.
  6. Gripe Water: Great for babies with colic, gas and upset stomach, hiccups, and pain from teething.
  7. Extra Toys: When you're stuck in traffic, there's nothing worse than a bored baby or toddler when you're stuck in traffic.
  8. Blanket: Good for the one you forgot at home when you were on our way to your in-law's or when they get sleepy in the car and need something to cuddle up with.
  9. Extra Pacifiers:  These will be your life saver when he/she doesn't want to sleep or play and just wants to cry.
  10. Tylenol: To ease your headaches from the day.
  11. Altoids/Wisps: For when you don't have time to brush your teeth before running out the door to drop your child off and get to work on time.
  12. Hairbrush/Hairspray: This is for when you forgot to brush your hair or all you had time to do was rake your fingers through it. The best time to fix your hair will be you're sitting in 8AM traffic.
  13. Facial Tissues: For the smudged make up that's still on your face from the day before or the stress tears you cried when you were rushing trying to get out the door.
Any new parent can use this! And check out the checklist, too! That'll come in handy!

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